Tag Archives: how to gain more connections on LinkedIn

Tips and Best Practices for Gaining New Followers on LinkedIn

Tips and Best Practices for Gaining Connections and Followers on LinkedIn

Best practice to gain more followers on LinkedIn.

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Here are some best practices for gaining more followers on LinkedIn:

Optimize your profile: Your LinkedIn profile should be complete and up-to-date, with a professional headshot and a detailed summary that showcases your #skills and #experience.

Share valuable content: Share informative and engaging content that is relevant to your #industry and target audience. This will help establish you as a thought leader and attract more followers.

Engage with others: Follow and #engage with other users on the platform. Share and comment on their posts, and participate in LinkedIn groups and #discussions.

Use keywords: Use keywords in your profile and content that will make it easier for people to find you when #searching for specific topics.

Network: Utilize LinkedIn’s #networking features, such as sending connection requests and endorsing your #connections, to expand your #professional network.

Consistency: Regularly post on linkedIn, participating in discussion and groups, #endorsing others and maintaining your profile will help to stay active and consistent.

Collaborate with influencers: #Collaborate with other LinkedIn influencers in your industry to reach a wider #audience and gain more followers.

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Posting on LinkedIn best practices

When should I post?
• Post to your Page at least once per day to establish a trusted voice.
• Post on all days of the week, even the weekend.
• Test posting at different times of the day to figure out what works best for your unique audience.

What should I post?

• Reshare @mentions from employees and customers.
• Include images, videos and documents.
• Engage with your audience and make it a two-sided conversation by posting questions and Polls.
• Post on a variety of topics, such as industry insights, company highlights, trending topics, and employee spotlights.
• Don’t forget to add 3-5 relevant hashtags to each post

How should I post?

Use Community Hashtags to track member engagement and join conversations.
Use the mobile app to access your Page and post on the go.
Make posting content easier by assigning different admin roles, such as a Content admin.
Respond as your Page to any post in the feed, regardless of whether you are @mentioned or following the hashtags
used in the post.


By following these best advice practices, you can increase your visibility on LinkedIn and attract more followers

Tip #1: Be findable – Draw traffic from outside LinkedIn

Tip #2: Be sticky – Stay on-brand

Tip #3: Be consistent – Post content to your Page regularly

Tip #4: Be flashy – Make use of video and visual content

Tip #5: Be relevant – Publish thought leadership content from within your organization

Tip #6: Be engaging – Respond to post comments

Tip #7: Be responsive – Adjust your content based on Page analytics

Tips to Increase Follower Interactions

Tip #8: Encourage employee involvement

Tip #9: Enlist help from customers and brand advocates

Tip #10: Engage with relevant thought leaders in your Page updates

Tips for Making Your Page Pop on LinkedIn

Tip #11: Coordinate with influencers

Tip #12: Launch a Follower Ad campaign

Tip #13: Encourage executives and prominent leaders to @mention your Page

Tip #14: Create and maintain Showcase Pages

Tip #15: Analyze your competitors’ Pages

More details here

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Here are a few best practices for building connections on LinkedIn:

Personalize your invitations: When reaching out to connect with someone, be sure to personalize the message and mention how you know the person or why you would like to connect.

Be active on the platform: The more active you are on LinkedIn, the more likely people are to notice and want to connect with you.

Network in person: Attend networking events and make sure to follow up with people you meet by connecting with them on LinkedIn.

Share valuable content: Share valuable content, such as articles, infographics, and videos, that align with your professional interests and expertise.

Engage with others: Engage with other users by commenting on and sharing their content, and participating in LinkedIn groups.

Show your expertise: Share your knowledge by answering questions on LinkedIn or writing posts about industry-related topics.

Follow the companies you are interested in, those companies might have employees you would like to connect with and also will show a good sig of your interest.

Reach out to Alumni: If you graduated from a school or university, you might have lot of connections already, you can use LinkedIn Alumni to reach out to them.

By following these best practices, you can build a strong and engaged network on LinkedIn that can help you expand your professional reach.


Valuable Cyber Defense Resources:

Visit 911CyberSecurity.com for more marketing and advertising tips and best practices