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Tips and Best Practices for Gaining New Followers on LinkedIn

Tips and Best Practices for Gaining Connections and Followers on LinkedIn

Best practice to gain more followers on LinkedIn.

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Here are some best practices for gaining more followers on LinkedIn:

Optimize your profile: Your LinkedIn profile should be complete and up-to-date, with a professional headshot and a detailed summary that showcases your #skills and #experience.

Share valuable content: Share informative and engaging content that is relevant to your #industry and target audience. This will help establish you as a thought leader and attract more followers.

Engage with others: Follow and #engage with other users on the platform. Share and comment on their posts, and participate in LinkedIn groups and #discussions.

Use keywords: Use keywords in your profile and content that will make it easier for people to find you when #searching for specific topics.

Network: Utilize LinkedIn’s #networking features, such as sending connection requests and endorsing your #connections, to expand your #professional network.

Consistency: Regularly post on linkedIn, participating in discussion and groups, #endorsing others and maintaining your profile will help to stay active and consistent.

Collaborate with influencers: #Collaborate with other LinkedIn influencers in your industry to reach a wider #audience and gain more followers.

When It Comes To Cybersecurity Keeping Threat Actors Away Crucial for Business Performance and Reputation

When It Comes To Cybersecurity Keeping Threat Actors Away Crucial for Business Performance and Reputation

Posting on LinkedIn best practices

When should I post?
• Post to your Page at least once per day to establish a trusted voice.
• Post on all days of the week, even the weekend.
• Test posting at different times of the day to figure out what works best for your unique audience.

What should I post?

• Reshare @mentions from employees and customers.
• Include images, videos and documents.
• Engage with your audience and make it a two-sided conversation by posting questions and Polls.
• Post on a variety of topics, such as industry insights, company highlights, trending topics, and employee spotlights.
• Don’t forget to add 3-5 relevant hashtags to each post

How should I post?

Use Community Hashtags to track member engagement and join conversations.
Use the mobile app to access your Page and post on the go.
Make posting content easier by assigning different admin roles, such as a Content admin.
Respond as your Page to any post in the feed, regardless of whether you are @mentioned or following the hashtags
used in the post.


By following these best advice practices, you can increase your visibility on LinkedIn and attract more followers

Tip #1: Be findable – Draw traffic from outside LinkedIn

Tip #2: Be sticky – Stay on-brand

Tip #3: Be consistent – Post content to your Page regularly

Tip #4: Be flashy – Make use of video and visual content

Tip #5: Be relevant – Publish thought leadership content from within your organization

Tip #6: Be engaging – Respond to post comments

Tip #7: Be responsive – Adjust your content based on Page analytics

Tips to Increase Follower Interactions

Tip #8: Encourage employee involvement

Tip #9: Enlist help from customers and brand advocates

Tip #10: Engage with relevant thought leaders in your Page updates

Tips for Making Your Page Pop on LinkedIn

Tip #11: Coordinate with influencers

Tip #12: Launch a Follower Ad campaign

Tip #13: Encourage executives and prominent leaders to @mention your Page

Tip #14: Create and maintain Showcase Pages

Tip #15: Analyze your competitors’ Pages

More details here

The Essential Guide To Webinar Marketing How to Organize and Effectively Follow Up with Prospects After a Webinar

The Essential Guide To Webinar Marketing How to Organize and Effectively Follow Up with Prospects After a Webinar

Here are a few best practices for building connections on LinkedIn:

Personalize your invitations: When reaching out to connect with someone, be sure to personalize the message and mention how you know the person or why you would like to connect.

Be active on the platform: The more active you are on LinkedIn, the more likely people are to notice and want to connect with you.

Network in person: Attend networking events and make sure to follow up with people you meet by connecting with them on LinkedIn.

Share valuable content: Share valuable content, such as articles, infographics, and videos, that align with your professional interests and expertise.

Engage with others: Engage with other users by commenting on and sharing their content, and participating in LinkedIn groups.

Show your expertise: Share your knowledge by answering questions on LinkedIn or writing posts about industry-related topics.

Follow the companies you are interested in, those companies might have employees you would like to connect with and also will show a good sig of your interest.

Reach out to Alumni: If you graduated from a school or university, you might have lot of connections already, you can use LinkedIn Alumni to reach out to them.

By following these best practices, you can build a strong and engaged network on LinkedIn that can help you expand your professional reach.


Valuable Cyber Defense Resources:

Visit for more marketing and advertising tips and best practices


Cybersecurity Insurance vs Cyber liability Insurance What It Covers and Who Needs It

Cybersecurity Insurance vs Cyber liability Insurance and Why Do You Need It

Cybersecurity Insurance vs Cyber liability Insurance

What It Covers and Who Needs It

Cybersecurity insurance and cyber liability insurance are both types of insurance that provide coverage for businesses in the event of a cyber incident, but they are not the same thing.
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Warning: Cyber insurance does not prevent any cyber-attacks from occurring, leaving your business infrastructure vulnerable. Learn how to find trusted cyber defense vendors here

In this article you will learn:

  • Cybersecurity insurance and cyber liability insurance
  • Statistics that demonstrate the growing need for businesses to have cyber insurance
  • Why company need cybersecurity insurance
  • How to choose cyber insurance provider and what is the difference
  • How to Choose Cyber Insurance
  • How to qualify for cybersecurity insurance
  • How to lower my cybersecurity insurance premiums

Cybersecurity insurance, also known as cyber insurance or data breach insurance, is designed to help protect a business from the financial losses that can occur as a result of a cyber attack. This can include things like the cost of restoring data, providing credit monitoring services to affected customers, and paying regulatory fines or legal settlements. Cybersecurity insurance can also provide coverage for things like business interruption and reputational harm.

Cyber liability insurance, on the other hand, is designed to provide coverage for third-party claims that result from a cyber incident. This can include things like customer lawsuits, claims from business partners, and regulatory action. Cyber liability insurance can also provide coverage for things like intellectual property infringement and media liability.

In summary, Cybersecurity insurance protects from internal cost of a cyber attack, and Cyber liability insurance protect from external cost (liabilities) of a cyber attack, such as lawsuits and regulatory fines.

It is important to note that in some cases, businesses may need both types of insurance to provide comprehensive coverage for cyber risks.

  • Cyber attacks are the most common: 70% have experienced a cyber attack, followed by identity theft at 69%, cyberbullying at 64%, and cyber extortion at 69%.
  • Did you know that nearly two in three midsize organizations have suffered a ransomware attack in the past 18 months? Even more concerning is that 20% of them spent at least $250,000 to recover from it.
  • Last year organizations experienced the highest average cost of a data breach in 17 years at $4.24 million, rising from $3.86 million the previous year.

There are several statistics that demonstrate the growing need for businesses to have cyber insurance.

Remember to secure your infrastructure before it is too late

Remember to secure your infrastructure before it is too late

According to a report by the Ponemon Institute, the average cost of a data breach for a business is $3.86 million, and the average time to contain a breach is 280 days.
Another report by Accenture estimates that cybercrime will cost businesses $11.5 trillion by 2025.
A survey by Hiscox found that 43% of cyber attacks target small businesses, and 61% of those attacks result in business interruption.
The National Cyber Security Alliance reports that 60% of small businesses that experience a cyber attack are forced to close within six months.
These statistics highlight the financial impact that a cyber attack can have on a business, both in terms of immediate costs and long-term consequences. Cyber insurance can help mitigate these costs and provide financial protection for businesses in the event of a cyber incident.

Additionally, it’s also important to note that many companies, especially in some fields, have regulatory compliance requirements such as HIPAA for healthcare, which legally oblige them to have some form of cyber security protection in place. So not having cyber insurance may actually put them in violation of these laws.

It’s important to understand that these are just a few examples and the specific risks, industry, and company size vary and would require a detailed analysis and assessment to have a better idea of the specific risk and coverage needs.

Cybersecurity is taking preventative measures to secure your organization and tends to be cheaper than cyber insurance. Learn how to find trusted cyber defense provider here

Why company need cybersecurity insurance

Cybersecurity insurance can provide companies with financial protection against the costs associated with cybersecurity breaches and data breaches. These costs can include expenses such as legal fees, credit monitoring for affected customers, and public relations efforts to repair damage to a company’s reputation.

In today’s digital age, companies of all sizes are at risk of cybersecurity threats such as hacking, ransomware attacks, and data breaches. Even if a company has strong cybersecurity measures in place, it is still possible for an attack to occur. Cybersecurity insurance can help a company manage the financial impact of an attack and recover more quickly.

In addition to providing financial protection, cybersecurity insurance can also help a company demonstrate to customers and clients that it takes cybersecurity seriously and is committed to protecting sensitive data. This can help build trust and strengthen relationships with customers and clients.

Overall, cybersecurity insurance can be an important component of a company’s risk management strategy, helping to mitigate the potential financial impact of a cybersecurity breach or data breach.

What Cybersecurity Insurance Covers

Cybersecurity insurance can provide coverage for a wide range of costs and expenses associated with cybersecurity breaches and data breaches.

Some specific types of coverage that may be included in a cybersecurity insurance policy include:

Legal fees: Coverage for legal fees associated with responding to a cybersecurity breach or data breach, including costs for investigation and defense against legal claims.

Notification and credit monitoring: Coverage for the costs of notification and credit monitoring for affected individuals in the event of a data breach.

Public relations: Coverage for public relations efforts to repair damage to a company’s reputation in the aftermath of a cybersecurity breach or data breach.

Business interruption: Coverage for lost income and expenses resulting from a disruption of business operations due to a cybersecurity breach or data breach.

Data restoration: Coverage for the costs of restoring lost or damaged data resulting from a cybersecurity breach or data breach.

Cyber extortion: Coverage for the costs of responding to and paying cyber extortion demands, such as ransomware attacks.

This is not an exhaustive list, and coverage can vary depending on the specific policy. It’s important for companies to carefully review their cybersecurity insurance coverage to understand what is and is not included.


How to choose cyber insurance provider and what is the difference

When choosing a cyber insurance provider, it’s important to consider a few key factors. First, it’s important to understand the coverage that is offered by the provider, including what types of incidents are covered and what the limits of coverage are. It’s also important to consider the reputation of the provider and the financial stability of the company. Additionally, you may want to look for a provider that offers additional services, such as risk management consulting or incident response support.

When it comes to differences between cyber insurance providers, here are a few things that can vary:

  • Coverage Types: Different providers may offer different types of coverage, such as data breach response, network interruption, or cyber extortion coverage.
  • Limits of Coverage: Providers may have different limits on the amount they will pay out for a covered incident.
  • Deductibles: Deductible is an amount that policyholder pays before the insurance coverage starts. It can vary between providers.
  • Provider Reputation: Different providers may have different levels of experience and reputation when it comes to providing cyber insurance coverage.
  • Additional Services: Some providers may offer additional services such as risk management consulting or incident response support, which can be helpful in case of a cyber incident.

It’s important to shop around and compare different providers to find the one that best meets your needs. It can be also helpful to get advice from experts on cyber insurance before making any final decision.

How to Choose Cyber Insurance

When choosing cyber insurance, there are a few key factors to consider:

  • Coverage: Make sure that the policy covers the types of risks that are most relevant to your business, such as data breaches, network failures, and cyber extortion.
  • Limits: Determine how much coverage you need, taking into account the potential cost of a cyber incident, such as the cost of notification, credit monitoring, and public relations, as well as any regulatory fines that may be imposed.
  • Exclusions: Review the policy’s exclusions to ensure that you understand what types of losses will not be covered.
  • Price: Compare the cost of different policies to ensure that you are getting a good value for the coverage provided.
  • Reputation: Research the insurance company’s reputation and financial strength, as well as their experience with and understanding of the cyber insurance market.
  • Claims: Look for policies that provide a clear and efficient claims process, so that you will be able to quickly and easily recover in the event of a loss.
  • Review & Evaluate: review and evaluate your insurance policies regularly and adjust coverage and limits as needed, especially given how fast the cyber security field is advancing.

Also, it’s recommend to take advises from a professional insurance broker and a cyber security expert.

Q. How to start with cyber insurance? One way to start with cyber insurance is to schedule a consultation with Rusty Goodwin, who I met at a TMT conference. He specializes in helping MSP’s with cyber insurance.

How to qualify for cybersecurity insurance?

Cyber insurance coverage requirements.

In order to determine your premium, coverage limits and whether you even qualify for cyber insurance in the first place, most providers will carry out a cyber insurance risk assessment as part of their underwriting process. Depending on the size of your company, this process can range from a questionnaire to a detailed analysis carried out over multiple weeks by a cyber security firm. Regular check-ups and reassessments are also possible. To keep risks at an acceptable level, policyholders are required to meet basic IT security standards in order to qualify for cyber insurance. At a minimum, a company interested in buying cyber insurance must have the following safety measures in place:

How to Measure and Justify Cybersecurity Return on Investment

How to Measure and Justify Cybersecurity Return on Investment

Valuable Cyber Defense Resources:

Enhance Your SEO and Content Marketing Strategy with Expert Advice and Support from

Enhance Your SEO and Content Marketing Strategy with Expert Advice and Support from

SEO and Content Marketing are crucial components of a successful digital marketing strategy.

They are designed to help you improve your search engine rankings, attract more organic traffic to your website, and increase brand awareness. However, many businesses struggle to develop and execute effective SEO and Content Marketing strategies. is here to help. With expert advice and support, you can enhance your SEO and Content Marketing strategy, drive more traffic to your website, and improve your online visibility.

Here are a few tips that may be helpful for SEO and content marketing efforts for cybersecurity services

It is crucial to focus on both SEO and content marketing to attract potential customers and promote cybersecurity services. Here are some tips to improve these efforts:

  • Identify your target audience: Clearly identifying your target audience can help you focus your content marketing efforts and ensure that your content is relevant and valuable to your intended audience.
  • Use targeted keywords: Research and incorporate targeted keywords into your content to help improve its visibility in search engine results. Be sure to use your keywords naturally and avoid keyword stuffing.
  • Create valuable and informative content: Providing valuable and informative content can help to establish your company as a thought leader in the cybersecurity industry and attract potential customers. Consider creating blog posts, whitepapers, webinars, and other types of content that provide valuable information and insights to your target audience.
  • Utilize social media: Social media platforms can be an effective way to promote your content and reach a wider audience. Consider using social media to share your blog posts, whitepapers, and other types of content, and engage with your audience by answering questions and responding to comments.
  • Collaborate with influencers: Partnering with influencers in the cybersecurity industry can help to increase the visibility and credibility of your content. Consider reaching out to industry influencers and offering to collaborate on content or guest blog posts.
  • Invest in paid advertising: Paid advertising, such as Google AdWords or sponsored social media posts, can help to increase the visibility of your content and reach a wider audience. Be sure to carefully research and target your paid advertising efforts to ensure that you are reaching the right audience.

Webinar Marketing Best Practices. How to Organize and Effectively Follow Up with Prospects After a Webinar

SEO and Content Marketing Advice for Cyber Security Solutions Providers

It is important to research and understand the specific needs of your target audience to ensure that your cybersecurity solutions are relevant and valuable to them.

  • Start with an introduction that explains the problem solved by your product, services and its benefits.
  • Use headings and subheadings to make the content easy to scan.
  • Highlight the key features and benefits of your product using bullet points or numbered lists.
  • Include case studies or testimonials to demonstrate the success of your product.
  • Conclude with a clear call-to-action to encourage potential customers to take action.
The Essential Guide To Webinar Marketing How to Organize and Effectively Follow Up with Prospects After a Webinar

The Essential Guide To Webinar Marketing How to Organize and Effectively Follow Up with Prospects After a Webinar

Content Structure for Successful Products Marketing

There are a few general guidelines that can help to improve the quality of content for SEO:

  • Use relevant and specific keywords: Incorporating relevant and specific keywords into your content can help it rank higher in search engine results. Be sure to use your keywords naturally and avoid keyword stuffing.
  • Write for humans, not just search engines: While it is important to include keywords in your content, it is also important to write for your human audience. Make sure that your content is easy to read and understand, and provides value to your readers.
  • Use headings and subheadings: Headings and subheadings can help to break up your content and make it easier for readers to scan. They can also help search engines understand the structure and content of your page.
  • Use high-quality external and internal links: Links to other high-quality, relevant websites can help to improve the credibility and authority of your own site. Including internal links to other pages on your own site can also help search engines understand the structure and content of your site.
  • Use images and other media: Including images and other media, such as videos, in your content can help to make it more visually appealing and engaging for readers. Be sure to use descriptive, relevant file names and alt text for images to help search engines understand the content of your media.


Who are the best audience to target for cybersecurity solutions

  1. The best audience to target for cybersecurity solutions can depend on the specific products or services that your company offers. Here are a few potential target audiences for cybersecurity solutions:
  2. Small and medium-sized businesses: Many small and medium-sized businesses may not have the resources to hire a full-time cybersecurity specialist and may be in need of solutions to help protect their networks and data.
  3. Large enterprises: Large enterprises may have more resources and may be in need of more comprehensive cybersecurity solutions to protect their networks and data.
  4. Government agencies: Government agencies may have strict cybersecurity requirements and may be in need of specialized solutions to meet these requirements.
  5. Healthcare organizations: Healthcare organizations may be required to meet strict cybersecurity regulations and may be in need of specialized solutions to protect patient data.
  6. Educational institutions: Educational institutions, such as schools and universities, may have a need for cybersecurity solutions to protect sensitive data and ensure the security of their networks.

It is important to carefully research and identify the specific needs of your target audience to ensure that your cybersecurity solutions are relevant and valuable to them.

Content structure for cyber security products marketing

  • Start with an introduction that clearly explains the problem that your product solves and the benefits it offers.
  • Use headings and subheadings to break up the content and make it easier for readers to scan.
  • Include features and benefits: Use bullet points or numbered lists to highlight the key features of your product and explain the benefits that these features offer to potential customers.
  • Use images and other media: Including images and other media, such as videos, can help to make your content more visually appealing and engaging. Be sure to use descriptive, relevant file names and alt text for images to help search engines understand the content of your media.
  • Include customer testimonials: Including customer testimonials can help to build credibility and provide social proof for your product. Consider including quotes or case studies from satisfied customers.
  • End with a call to action: Make it clear what you want potential customers to do next, whether it is to purchase your product, request more information, or sign up for a demo.


20 valuable SEO and SEM advice for cyber security and network security service providers based on industry insights and best practices:

  1. Know your target audience and create buyer personas: Understand the demographics, needs, and pain points of your target audience and create content that speaks directly to them.
  2. Research and target the right keywords: Utilize keyword research tools to identify the most relevant and profitable keywords to target.
  3. Optimize your website for search engines: Make sure your website is optimized for both desktop and mobile devices, has a fast loading speed, and is easy to navigate.
  4. Create high-quality and relevant content: Produce engaging and informative blog posts, articles, infographics, and videos that offer valuable insights and solutions to your audience’s problems.
  5. Utilize social media for promotion: Use social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook to promote your content and interact with your target audience.
  6. Engage in link building: Reach out to other websites in your industry and ask for a link back to your website.
  7. Utilize local SEO: Optimize your website for local search engines by including your business name, address, and phone number (NAP) on your website and in online directories.
  8. Incorporate schema markup: Use schema markup to enhance your website’s visibility in search results and help search engines understand your content.
  9. Utilize paid advertising: Consider running pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns to drive targeted traffic to your website.
  10. Monitor your website’s analytics: Regularly monitor your website’s analytics to track your progress and identify areas for improvement.
  11. Monitor your website’s security: Ensure that your website is secure and free from vulnerabilities that could harm your website’s ranking or reputation.
  12. Focus on user experience: Make sure your website offers a positive user experience and is easy to navigate.
  13. Stay up-to-date with industry news: Stay informed about the latest trends and advancements in the cyber security and network security industries.
  14. Utilize email marketing: Build a list of email subscribers and use email marketing to promote your products and services.
  15. Participate in industry events and conferences: Attend industry events and conferences to network and promote your business.
  16. Utilize video marketing: Create and share engaging and informative videos that showcase your products and services.
  17. Utilize influencer marketing: Partner with influencers in your industry to promote your products and services to a wider audience.
  18. Encourage customer reviews: Encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews of your products and services on your website and on third-party websites.
  19. Utilize A/B testing: Regularly perform A/B testing to determine the best performing elements of your website and marketing campaigns.
  20. Hire a professional SEO and SEM consultant: If you don’t have the time or resources to handle your SEO and SEM efforts in-house, consider hiring a professional consultant to help you.

We hope these tips are helpful! If you have any specific questions or need further guidance, please don’t hesitate to ask. Enhancing your SEO and Content Marketing strategy is key to building a successful digital marketing campaign. At, we understand the importance of these components and have the expertise to help you execute an effective strategy. Our team of experts will provide you with the support and guidance you need to improve your search engine rankings, drive more organic traffic to your website, and increase brand awareness. So, if you’re looking to enhance your SEO and Content Marketing strategy, look no further than

Sources of information:
Moz’s “The Beginner’s Guide to SEO”
Search Engine Journal’s “The Ultimate Guide to Local SEO
Hubspot’s “The Definitive Guide to Influencer Marketing”
Google’s “Google Analytics Academy”
Neil Patel’s “The Complete Guide to Email Marketing”.


Valuable Cyber Defense Resources:

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The-Essential-Guide-To-Webinar-Marketing, How to Organize and Effectively Follow Up with Prospects After a Webinar

Webinar Marketing Best Practices Guide

The Essential Guide To Webinar Marketing

How to Organize and Effectively Follow Up with Prospects After a Webinar

In this article you will learn:

What time is the best to conduct webinars?

The best time for a webinar can depend on a number of factors, including the time zone of the intended audience, their availability, and the topic of the webinar.

Here are a few tips that may help you determine the best time for your webinar:

It might surprise you, but the best time of the day to conduct your webinar is either before or after people’s lunch hour. You can choose between 10 to 11 A.M. or 1 to 2 P.M.

  1. Consider the time zone of your audience: If you have attendees from different time zones, it can be helpful to choose a time that is convenient for the majority of them.
  2. Think about your audience’s availability: If you know that your audience is generally available during certain times of day (e.g. early mornings, lunch hours, evenings), try to schedule your webinar during one of those times.
  3. Take the topic of your webinar into account: If your webinar is focused on a specific industry or topic, it may be helpful to schedule it during regular business hours when professionals in that field are likely to be available.
  4. In terms of availability, it might be best to schedule your cybersecurity webinar during business hours when professionals in the field are likely to be available. Many professionals working in cybersecurity may have flexible schedules, so it could also be worth considering scheduling your webinar in the evening or on the weekend to allow for more flexibility.
  5. It may also be helpful to take the specific topic of your webinar into account. If your webinar is focused on a particular aspect of cybersecurity, it could be useful to schedule it during a time when professionals in that field are likely to be available and able to fully engage with the content.

In general, it can be helpful to survey your intended audience to get a sense of the best time for your webinar. boost your cybersecurity business - engage with qualified leads and grow your cybersecurity services company boost your cybersecurity business – engage with qualified leads and grow your cybersecurity services company

Best practices for selecting an audience for cyber security webinar

There are several best practices you can follow when selecting an audience for a cybersecurity webinar:

  1. Identify your target audience: Think about the specific topic of your webinar and who would be most interested in attending. Are you targeting IT professionals, small business owners, or a general audience? Clearly identifying your target audience can help you focus your outreach efforts.
  2. Determine the size of your audience: Consider how many attendees you want to have for your webinar. This can help you determine the size of the venue you need and how much time you should allocate for the event.
  3. Invite relevant attendees: Reach out to individuals or organizations that would be interested in the topic of your webinar. You can use email, social media, or other marketing channels to promote your event and invite attendees.
  4. Offer incentives: Consider offering incentives, such as free resources or discounts on products or services, to encourage people to attend your webinar.
  5. Follow up with attendees: After the event, be sure to follow up with attendees to thank them for participating and to see if they have any additional questions or feedback. This can help you build a relationship with your audience and encourage them to attend future events.

Marketing a webinar can be a great way to promote your business and attract new customers.

Here are some best practices to follow when marketing a webinar:

  1. Clearly define your target audience: Identify who you want to attend your webinar and tailor your marketing efforts to reach them.
  2. Promote the webinar early and often: Start promoting your webinar at least a few weeks in advance, and remind people about it regularly as the event approaches.
  3. Use multiple marketing channels: Utilize a variety of marketing channels, such as email, social media, and paid advertising, to reach as many people as possible.
  4. Offer incentives to register: Consider offering a discount or other incentive to encourage people to register for your webinar.
  5. Use an engaging and informative landing page: Create a landing page for your webinar that clearly explains the topic and benefits of attending.
  6. Follow up with attendees: After the webinar, follow up with attendees to thank them for participating and to offer additional resources or information related to the topic.
  7. Collect feedback: Ask attendees for feedback on the webinar and use this information to improve future events.

By following these best practices, you can effectively promote your webinar and attract a large and engaged audience.

Following up with attendees after a webinar is a great way to thank them for participating, provide additional resources, and gather feedback.

Remember to secure your infrastructure before it is too late

Remember to secure your infrastructure before it is too late

Hosting a cybersecurity webinar can be a great way to educate your audience about important cybersecurity topics and best practices.

Here are some best practices to follow when hosting a cybersecurity webinar:

  1. Choose a relevant and timely topic: Select a topic that is relevant to your audience and timely, as this will help to attract and engage attendees.
  2. Promote the webinar effectively: Use a variety of marketing channels, such as email, social media, and paid advertising, to promote the webinar and attract a large audience.
  3. Use a reliable webinar platform: Choose a webinar platform that is reliable and easy to use, as technical issues can be a major distraction for attendees.
  4. Practice good cybersecurity hygiene: Ensure that your own systems are secure and that you follow best practices for cybersecurity during the webinar to protect the privacy and security of attendees.
  5. Engage with your audience: Encourage audience participation and interaction during the webinar, as this can help to keep attendees engaged and interested.
  6. Follow up with attendees: After the webinar, follow up with attendees to thank them for participating and to offer additional resources or information related to the topic.

By following these best practices, you can host a successful and informative cybersecurity webinar that educates and engages your audience.


Tips for Choosing a Trusted Cybersecurity Vendor and Traits to Look for In a Cybersecurity Firms

Tips for Choosing a Trusted Cybersecurity Vendor and Traits to Look for In a Cybersecurity Firms

Follow up after webinar best practice

Following up with attendees after a webinar is a great way to thank them for participating, provide additional resources, and gather feedback.

Here are some best practices for following up after a webinar:

  1. Thank attendees for participating: Send a follow-up email or message thanking attendees for joining the webinar. This helps to show your appreciation and build goodwill.
  2. Provide additional resources: Share any additional resources or information related to the webinar topic that may be of interest to attendees. This could include links to articles, research, or other useful materials.
  3. Gather feedback: Ask attendees for feedback on the webinar, including what they liked and what could be improved. Use this feedback to improve future webinars and make them even more valuable to your audience.
  4. Encourage engagement: Encourage attendees to stay engaged with your business or organization by signing up for your email list, following you on social media, or joining a community or group related to the webinar topic.
  5. Offer a special offer: Consider offering a special discount or other incentive to encourage attendees to take a specific action, such as purchasing a product or signing up for a service.

By following these best practices, you can effectively follow up with attendees after a webinar and build stronger relationships with them.

Converting website visitors into customers or leads is an important goal for many businesses.

Effective Cybersecurity Marketing for Cybersecurity and MSP Companies contact to boost your cyber-defense business

Effective Cybersecurity Marketing for Cybersecurity and MSP Companies contact to boost your cyber-defense business

How to convert website visitors after webinar.

Converting website visitors into customers or leads is an important goal for many businesses.

Here are some tips to help you convert website visitors:

  1. Make it easy for visitors to take action: Clearly communicate what you want visitors to do on your website, and make it easy for them to take that action. This could be filling out a form, making a purchase, or downloading a resource.
  2. Use persuasive copy: Use compelling and persuasive copy on your website to convince visitors to take action. This could include customer testimonials, social proof, or a clear value proposition.
  3. Optimize your website for conversions: Make sure that your website is optimized for conversions by using clear calls to action, having a simple and intuitive navigation, and ensuring that your website is mobile-friendly.
  4. Test different elements: Use A/B testing to experiment with different elements of your website, such as the color of a call to action button or the placement of a form, to see which ones are most effective at converting visitors.
  5. Provide value: Offer visitors something of value in exchange for their contact information or a purchase. This could be a free resource, a discount, or valuable content.

By following these tips, you can improve your website’s ability to convert visitors into customers or leads.

How to Measure and Justify Your Cybersecurity Investment and Return on Investment (ROI)

How to Measure and Justify Your Cybersecurity Investment and Return on Investment (ROI)


Sales pitches for cybersecurity services

Here are a few potential sales pitches for cybersecurity services:

  1. Protect your business from the growing threat of cyber attacks: Cyber attacks are becoming more common and more sophisticated, and they can have serious consequences for businesses. Our cybersecurity services can help protect your business from these threats and keep your data and systems safe.
  2. Save time and money with proactive security measures: Don’t wait until you’ve suffered a cyber attack to invest in cybersecurity. Our proactive security measures can help you detect and prevent threats before they cause damage, saving you time and money in the long run.
  3. Keep your customers’ data safe: If you handle sensitive customer data, such as credit card numbers or personal information, it’s important to keep it safe. Our cybersecurity services can help ensure that your customers’ data is secure and protect your business from data breaches and other security threats.
  4. Stay compliant with industry regulations: Many industries have specific regulations around cybersecurity, and failing to comply can result in fines and other penalties. Our services can help your business meet these requirements and avoid non-compliance.
  5. Gain a competitive edge: In today’s digital age, businesses that prioritize cybersecurity are more attractive to customers and partners. By investing in our cybersecurity services, you can differentiate your business from competitors and gain a competitive edge.
Tech Jokes - A Collection of Computer, Network, Infrastructure, Cybersecurity and ChatGPT Humor

Tech Jokes – A Collection of Computer, Network, Infrastructure, Cybersecurity and ChatGPT Humor

Bonus content for those who like to read 😉

Unique selling proposition for cybersecurity services

A unique selling proposition (USP) is a specific benefit or advantage that sets your business apart from competitors.

Here are a few ideas for a USP for cybersecurity services:

  1. Fast response times: Offer fast response times to cyber threats, with a guarantee to resolve issues within a certain timeframe.
  2. Proactive security measures: Offer proactive security measures that can detect and prevent threats before they cause damage, rather than just reacting to attacks after they happen.
  3. Customized solutions: Offer customized cybersecurity solutions that are tailored to the specific needs of each client, rather than a one-size-fits-all approach.
  4. Expertise in a specific industry: Position your business as an expert in cybersecurity for a specific industry, such as healthcare or finance, and highlight your knowledge and experience in that field.
  5. Comprehensive services: Offer a full range of cybersecurity services, including threat assessment, incident response, and compliance, rather than just one or two offerings.

By identifying and highlighting a unique selling proposition, you can differentiate your business and attract more potential customers.


Valuable Cyber Defense Resources:

Google Ads Best Practices - How to Make Your Products Stand Out and Drive Sales With a Limited Budget. If you need help with marketing and advertising contact

Google Ads Best Practices – How to make your products stand out and drive sales on a tight budget

“People shopping across Google more than a billion times a day, and Google Ads generate 2 dollars for advertisers for every 1 dollar spent”

1) Set a Clear Objective and Budget. Each campaign begins by choosing a goal. This goal focuses your campaign on delivering a specific outcome. Prepare an advertising plan and create clear #goals. (Good tip for all paid media platforms)

2) Landing Page Optimizations. Create a relevant and optimized landing page. Send the user to a tailored landing page, rather than a homepage, so they don’t have to click around to find the content they are looking for. (Good tip for all paid media platforms)

3) Select Your Targeting. Targeting helps define how narrow or broad the audience for your ads can be. Without any targeting, your ads will have the widest possible reach. Common forms of targeting include keywords, audiences, locations, topics, devices, and remarketing. (Good tip for all paid media platforms)

4) Set Up Conversions. Conversion tracking can help you track the actions that you want customers to take on your website. They can significantly improve your ability to assess the effectiveness of your ads, targeting, and overall campaigns. (Good tip for all paid media platforms)

5) Performance Max Campaigns. PMC can deliver ads on every Google property via the complete automation of targeting and delivery based on data provided by the advertiser. Performance Max Campaigns will gradually start replacing Smart Shopping & Local campaigns (Google Ads)

Google Ads constantly innovates and it is important to keep up with the latest updates such as Performance Max.
How to Make products stand out on Google and drive sales
5 tips for creating effective Google ads with a limited budget

Upgrade your Smart Shopping and Local campaigns to Performance Max.

Boost online sales and in-store purchases before, during and after the upcoming holiday season by upgrading your campaigns as soon as you can. Using the upgrade tool, your campaign learnings and settings like goals, budget, creative assets and bid strategy will be carried over to maintain performance

These articles cover topics like creating an account, claiming your website, and uploading a logo to represent your business
  • Meet consumer expectations for convenience by using annotations. Shoppers are increasingly looking for great deals, fast delivery times and easy returns. Sale price, shipping and return annotations can help your ads stand out from the crowd.
  • Find new and valuable customers across channels using Customer Match. Performance Max learns from your existing customers to drive results faster. It helps you find similar customers and uncover new customer segments you may not have expected.
  • Identify relevant trends and get forward-looking insights on the Insights page. Demand forecasts show rising search interest for the products you sell. This can help you prepare budget, marketing and merchandising plans for moments of peak consumer demand.


Make your products stand out and drive more sales with Performance Max
The official guide to reaching more customers across their shopping journeys online and in-store.

Who is this guide for?

This guide is best for beginner and intermediate retail advertisers who have already set up their free product listings in Google Merchant Center and linked their account to Google Ads. If you still need to upload your products to Merchant Center, you can find more guidance here

 With people shopping across Google more than a billion times a day1, Shopping ads give you a chance to show your products and connect with consumers at key decision-making points in their shopping journey.

These articles cover topics like creating an account, claiming your website, and uploading a logo to represent your business

In this guide, you’ll learn how you can improve your Shopping ads creatives and optimize your campaigns to drive more sales across additional Google advertising channels and inventory.

1. Enhance your product feed to help your Shopping ads stand out
2. Show your ads to more shoppers as they browse across channels
3. Optimize your campaigns to drive more performance


Google Marketing Live 2022

Google Marketing Live is our annual event showcasing the latest innovations to help your business thrive. As consumer behavior changes, these updates can help you stay ahead of the latest trends.
Check out all of the keynotes and sessions below. And join the conversation at #GML2022
Original air date:May 24, 2022 12:00 PM
In case you missed it: Watch this session from Google Marketing Live 2022 to learn about the new ads and commerce innovations built to help you adapt to changing consumer shopping behaviors.

If you’ve tried unsuccessfully to advertise on Google, don’t give up. There are many reasons why your Google Ads could be underperforming. But, first, let’s cover some standard Google Ads best practices.

  • Prepare an advertising plan and create clear SMART goals
  • Create a relevant and optimize your ad landing page.
  • Use Ad Extensions.
  • Measure and improve upon your strategy.
  • Use a PPC planning template.
  • Use negative keywords.
  • Avoid broad keyword terms.
  • Don’t run irrelevant ads
  • Improve your Quality Score (QS).
  • Automate the process. Maximize conversions by optimizing the bidding process. Use Smart Bidding

Effective Cybersecurity Marketing for Cybersecurity and MSP Companies contact to boost your cyberdefense business

If you want your Google Ads to produce qualified leads and customers, then check out these additional resources and use them as guidelines as you set up your Google Ads campaign.

Given its reach and authority, Google Ads should be a part of your paid strategy. Use the tips we covered to get started, and remember to refine and iterate as you go.

Essential Steps For Planning and Executing Paid Media Campaigns For Products and Services From any Industry
Proactive vs Reactive Cybersecurity or Hybrid Which Cybersecurity Model is for You

Proactive, Reactive or Hybrid Which Cybersecurity Services is for You

Last year there was a cybersecurity attack almost every ten seconds. The worst was the SolarWinds malware attack involving 18,000 clients, 100 private institutions, and nine government agencies using the log4j vulnerability, whose full scope is yet to be discovered. The attack did not even have the large-scale ransomware demands that the REvil (Ransomware Evil; also known as Sodinokibi) group put out, well over $50 million. With the emergence of zero-day vulnerabilities almost every day, an organization must incorporate robust cybersecurity solutions into its frameworks. Only a fifth of institutions fully integrated cybersecurity solutions into their operations. It is a significant contributor to why some ransomware groups made over $123 million and made away with over 21.6 terabytes of data.

There is a variety of methods that an organization can employ without spending too much money. Some managed Service Providers and Managed Security service Providers offer a wide range of solutions to clients to protect them from cybersecurity breaches. The approaches can be split into three:

  • Proactive Cybersecurity
  • Reactive Cybersecurity
  • Hybrid Cybersecurity

Proactive Cybersecurity

It involves establishing solid frameworks to detect system vulnerabilities and patch them up. It focuses on gathering information and preparing for possible future occurrences.

“Proactive cyber defense means acting in anticipation to oppose an attack through cyber and cognitive domains. Proactive cyber defense can be understood as options between offensive and defensive measures.”

The method offers some benefits:

  1. An organization can have most of its infrastructure and implementation vulnerabilities detected and corrected long before third parties can identify them. Thus serves the clientele very well as it always maintains a reliable front for the organization since the client does not get exposed in case of data breaches. It can be a significant selling point for many clients that invest in cybersecurity through proactive data protection solutions.
  2. When an organization employs proactive solutions, they always seem to stay ahead of the curve. Their cybersecurity provider is usually working to check out any vulnerability exploited. A large number of data breaches reduce in this way.
  3. The proactive approach enables organizations to have robust frameworks to protect against data breaches through employee training. Employees usually work with the software most of the time, and it can be the first line of defense against data breaches. The proactive approach also helps detect inappropriate insider actions that lead to data breaches. The activities are flagged, and proper administrative changes occur to remedy this.
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A robust Proactive Cybersecurity framework utilizes gradual improvements in an established system that always ensures the technique used is well prepared for any incidences. Some tactics May apply:

  • Employee training – workers have been trained on cybersecurity best practices and informed of the new developments requiring proper attention. An operational manual can be developed to help keep employees improving. A checklist can detect abnormalities and suspicious activities that experts can then investigate.
  • Multi-point authentication – this strategy uses a level of security clearance model where only a known group of individuals can be given access to information and ensures that only well-trained individuals can get to work on various security problems. It also ensures that anyone accessing data is detected, and any suspicious activities are easily detected.
  • Data protection is a system of lock and key where only people would have access to data using ciphers; hence, there is reduced data loss in cases of hardware loss. Data is also be put up in physical and cloud centers to ensure minimal data loss in case of a data breach.
  • Risk assessment and vulnerability tests – Cybersecurity experts employing Proactive-Cybersecurity come in after set times to check entire systems and the designs to give a vulnerability scorecard. It ensures that all systems stay up to par and discuss upcoming challenges, and the MSSP has solid points to work on that can be easily quantified. Some cybersecurity groups may outsource vulnerability checks in bounty hunters and organize competitions. In this way, when a vulnerability or bug is detected, the cybersecurity provider has enough time to remove a bug, patch up a vulnerability or prescribe other corrective measures to an organization.

Webinar Marketing Best Practices. How to Organize and Effectively Follow Up with Prospects After a Webinar

The Essential Guide To Webinar Marketing - How to Organize and Effectively Follow Up with Prospects After a Webinar

Proactive Network Security Services from LA-Networks

  • Phishing Attack Simulation
  • Managed Threat Hunting
  • Penetration Testing
  • Secure Code Review
  • Cloud Security Compliance
  • Cyber Threat Hunting specializes in protecting our clients from emerging cybersecurity threats such as ransomware, spear phishing, and IoT compromises.

Tips for Choosing a Trusted Cybersecurity Vendor and Traits to Look for In a Cybersecurity Firms

Tips for Choosing a Trusted Cybersecurity Vendor and Traits to Look for In a Cybersecurity Firms

Reactive Cybersecurity

This approach acts when a problem arises for damage control and assessment and repelling and patching up vulnerable areas. Since one cannot plan when a data breach will occur, re-active cybersecurity measures are a crucial component of cybersecurity. Some violations may take place despite all of the preventive measures. For example, an office worker may open an email with executable malware on a workplace computer on their email, leading to the system being infected, which may take some time before it is detected. When connected to an organization’s network, infected hardware may enable data breaches that happen even with functioning security measures such as firewalls and anti-virus software.

Reactive Cybersecurity – Cyber Incident Response & Digital Forensics Services:

  • Digital Forensics Services
  • Incident Response Retainer
  • Data Breach Response
  • Digital Forensics
  • Ransomware Response and Bitcoin Payments
  • Post Ransomware Threat Hunting

Re-active cybersecurity enables an organization to clean up from the effects of cybersecurity failures.

Four key steps form how re-active cybersecurity acts to improve cybersecurity:

1. Stopping the Cybersecurity Failure

All affected areas have to be identified and remedied. It may include servers, hardware devices or particular software. The compromised parts may have to be stopped, taken down, or disconnected to stop any further damage. All security measures may have to be propped up again, including new firewalls, changing access codes, and installing software updates if the affected part still complies with the set standards.

2.  Assessment

In containing a data breach, it is critical to ensure that no data is deleted, as it is vital to check how far the damage goes. The investigation process enables the identification of the entry point of any malicious items into a system. It even helps map timelines of the attack and finds any information that might point to the actors involved. A report on the stolen data, affected resources, and expenses is also developed.

3. Informing All Involved Parties

When an assessment report has been developed, all the involved parties are given information on how a data breach may have impacted them. At this point, additional players may have to be called in, such as the company’s legal representatives, who will guide the legal processes that follow after a breach which might involve court cases against some parties. Compliance with regulations such as reporting the violation to the FBI and insurance bodies is done at this stage. Telephone lines are open for the public, so anyone with additional information on the breach can come forward.

4. Providing Solutions

When all helpful information has been gathered, a final report is written with remedies to ensure the breach does not occur again. The report includes details of the timelines involved, causes of the breach, the perpetrators, who and how they were affected, and improvements being implemented.

At this point, the cybersecurity provider implements software improvements, policy changes and sensitizations to ensure the breach does not occur again.


Hybrid Cybersecurity

CyberSecurity Moves Toward Hybrid Models. The method offers the best of proactive and re-active cybersecurity. It provides the highest level of effectiveness, and most cybersecurity experts advocate for this approach. It highlights that the fault does not always lie with the proactive or reactive modes of action when a breach occurs. Instead, the two odes should be used harmoniously to prevent or contain a data breach. Hybrid cybersecurity measures also add the element of recovery to ensure you pick yourself up and continue operations with or without any interruptions. In this model, an organization can show its resilience and openness to its partners. It also enables institutions to keep up with regulatory requirements that have been legislated.

It is sometimes an unsettling experience with heavy financial, legal, and reputational ramifications when a data breach happens. It is hard for startups and medium-sized enterprises to stay competitive with data breaches. It is usually expensive to contain a data breach when no previous measure is set for cybersecurity. There are very affordable MSSPs available to save you the stress and expenses of a data breach without charging a premium.


Valuable Cyber Defense Resources:


How to Measure and Justify Cybersecurity Investment and Return on Investment

How to Measure and Justify Your Cybersecurity Investment and Return on Investment (ROI)

“It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.” – Warren Buffett

How much does your business spend on cybersecurity? As a IT admin, how do you prove to the company’s leadership you work for that they need to spend more on cybersecurity? According to an article written by Bruce Schneider, companies consider ROI a big deal, but it is challenging to calculate ROI in security.

In this article we will be talking about:

  • How to monitor and address evolving cybersecurity threats?
  • Proactive vs Reactive Cybersecurity
  • Proactive Cybersecurity Return on Investment
  • What Does Proactive Cybersecurity Involve?
  • How to manage cybersecurity and justify your cybersecurity budget
  • Valuable Cyber Defense Resources

According to Deloitte report, the average company will spend somewhere between 6% and 14% of their annual IT budget on cybersecurity. That is less than a quarter of the total amount allocated for cybersecurity in general, so that’s actually not that bad at all. On average, most companies spent around 10% of their IT budget.

Monitor and address evolving cybersecurity threats

If, for instance, you can prove to the management that spending $2000 on cybersecurity can help the company save $30000 every year, they will be happy to release the $2000. However, the problem comes when you have to prove that you need $2000 and not $1500 or any lower amount. Companies spend on threat hunting and vulnerability assessment using methods such as penetration testing. While some companies might have an in-house team, others have to hire an expert to monitor and address evolving cybersecurity threats. This is called proactive cyber defense. It seeks to identify weaknesses and address them before an attack. Preemptively identifying security weaknesses is different from reactive cybersecurity where a company waits for an attack to take any action.

Proactive vs Reactive Cybersecurity

Business leadership and decision makers are hesitant to release cybersecurity investment as they do not consider daily threats as ‘serious.’ According to an ISACA APT Awareness study, about 93.6% of respondents who took part in the study believe that APTs are only the “very serious threats.” However, the Advanced Persistence Threats (APTs) are not always advanced in the sophistication of the methods the attackers use. However, companies are under constant threats from simple, yet sophisticated hacking methods.

If a company chooses reactive approach to dealing with cybersecurity, “they sit back and wait for an attack.” When the attack happens, a data breach or a ransom can cost the company millions of dollars.

Today, companies have several defense solutions to prevent an attack. These proactive measures ready the company for an attack even when it does not happen. However, if it happens, the approach may save the company millions of dollars.



ROI is a big deal in business, but it’s a misnomer in security. Make sure your financial calculations are based on good data and sound methodologies

Proactive Cybersecurity Return on Investment

Digital threats are smarter today. Hackers can spend several months or years collecting details about your company all when you think everything is right. A proactive cybersecurity keeps you on top of these threats before they stall your business.

With proactive security services, you know what professionals you need to protect your business and how to handle an attack in case it ever happens. The approach allows you to monitor threats and addresses any weaknesses in your organization. In case of an attack, the IT department will take charge immediately to prevent loss of data.

The value of digital information continues to grow and not protecting your data may cost your company or organization a lot of money. Again, regulators require that organizations secure their data. Your business may face harsh penalties if you fail to take necessary measures in building sustainable cyber resiliency.

What Does Proactive Cybersecurity Involve?

A proactive approach seeks to prevent an attack before it happens. The company will spend money to prevent an attack that may never happen, and this is why management may be hesitant to spend on cybersecurity. However, assume you cut the cyber threat hunting budget from $4000 to $1500. This means that the IT team may not carry out all the activities they needed to protect the business. If an attack happens, the business may spend thousands or millions of dollars to recover the lost data.

Tips for Choosing a Trusted Cybersecurity Vendor and Traits to Look for In a Cybersecurity Firms

Tips for Choosing a Trusted Cybersecurity Vendor and Traits to Look for In a Cybersecurity Firms

Here is what cybersecurity experts do to secure your data:

Disk Encryption – This involves securing the hard drives through encryption. In case the organization loses physical devices, their data will be safe.
Employee Cyber Awareness Training – Employee cybersecurity awareness training keeps the team informed of current threats and the optimal cybersecurity strategy they can apply in case of an attack.
Multi-factor Authentication – Organizations need to limit access to some of the systems. There should be security levels with some of the systems only being accessible to select employees. Multi-step authentication ensures there is proper access control.
Cyber Threat Hunting – This involves approaches, such as ransomware threat hunting services, Phishing Attack Simulation, and Managed Threat Hunting among others. They seek to ensure there is no threat that can penetrate the system.
Vulnerability Scanning – Here, cyber resiliency experts scan for weaknesses in the computer systems and in other systems. There are several software programs to scan your computers and there are also antivirus programs to protect your computer.
Managed Security Operations Center – These centers create an incident response plan. They monitor threats and report any imminent threats that a company may face.

Webinar Marketing Best Practices. How to Organize and Effectively Follow Up with Prospects After a Webinar

The Essential Guide To Webinar Marketing How to Organize and Effectively Follow Up with Prospects After a Webinar

The Essential Guide To Webinar Marketing How to Organize and Effectively Follow Up with Prospects After a Webinar


Tracking Cybersecurity KPIs to Justify Your Cybersecurity ROI

According to a report published on PwC, only 22% of CEOs believe that there is enough risk to data security to inform their decisions. The statistics have remained true for more than ten years. As such, not all CEOs are willing to spend on proactive cybersecurity.

It is impossible to manage cybersecurity and justify your budget if you cannot measure performance. As a security professional, you need to show:

• How many times hackers have tried to access your system
• Number of unidentified devices in the organization network
• Number of devices not patched and ready for attacks
• How long it takes for security experts to detect threats that fly under your radar
• How long it takes for security experts to start working on an attack
• How long a business takes to fully handle an attack and recover from it
• How many employees are informed about cybersecurity
• Number of cybersecurity incidents reported within the business and within the industry
• Number of users in the company with administrative access
• Cloud security compliance and other security compliance statuses
• Availability of non-human traffic in the organization network
• The cost of each incident that the security team solves

With the above key performance indicators, it is easy to justify the cybersecurity budget. The idea is to show that threats can happen any time and that the company needs to be ready. With a reactive cybersecurity approach, the company will be caught unaware and data may be lost. This may lead to regulatory fines and expensive recovery of data.

Valuable Cyber Defense Resources:

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How to Choose a Cybersecurity Company to Protect your Business Infrastructure

How to Choose a Reliable Cybersecurity Company to Protect Your Business?

Tips for Selecting the Trusted Cybersecurity Company and Traits to Look for in a Cybersecurity Firms

In this era of technological advancement, we rely on the internet for business, entertainment, and personal development. When making transactions, we expose sensitive personal information online to make purchases or subscribe to the content of choice. As such, both individuals and organizations are at a high risk of cybercrime. In the aim to avoid such, it is critical to hire a trusted and reliable cybersecurity firm.

This article will be especially useful for small and mid size business owners who do not have dedicated chief information officer (CIO, CISO, vCISO) or IT administrator in staff.

In this article you will learn more about:

  • Why you should hire a reliable cybersecurity company?
  • How you can measure the reputation of a cybersecurity firm?
  • What type of cyber security services you may need?
  • How to measure cost, value and cybersecurity return on investment (ROI)
  • Importance of cyber defense vendor’s tools, knowledge and experience
  • Legal requirements and certifications
  • Valuable cyber defense resources

Why You Should Hire a Reliable Cybersecurity Company?

Whether you are an individual or a corporation, you need to protect your digital systems from hackers and malicious people. The following are reasons why you need to contract an IT security solutions company.
Protection of personal information: Cybersecurity firms safeguard the personal information of your clients and employees from malicious individuals. In the wrong hands, such information helps malicious people to steal from customers or manipulate company systems.

Ensure continuity of business operations: Lack of proper security for your systems makes your organization an easy target for hackers. Cyber-criminals can paralyze normal operations of your business or completely shut down your operations. IT security solutions firms help to avoid such risks.
Safety of employees: Workers’ productivity is better with nothing to worry about when they access the internet at work. Cybersecurity firms provide this assurance to your employees.
Protects your business reputation: Clients and employees want to associate with firms where they know their information is safe. Such inspiration leads to better productivity and better sales of products and services.

The average cost was USD 1.07 million higher in breaches where remote work was a factor in causing the breach, compared to those where remote work was not a factor.

How to Measure and Justify Your Cybersecurity Investment and Return on Investment (ROI)

How to Measure and Justify Your Cybersecurity Investment and Return on Investment (ROI)

Cybersecurity Vendors Reputation.

You can measure the reputation of a cybersecurity firm by the scorecard from the views of stakeholders. The main elements of reputation revolve around the quality of management, financial soundness, and value to the public.
A good cybersecurity company has a good track record of many successful partners and clients. It prides itself in displaying the previous clients on its website as evidence of quality service delivery. Moreover, you will notice consistency in the number of clients. If you notice many customers try different options after a particular company, you better search elsewhere. A company with a high turnover of clients signifies services below standards.
A company with a sound reputation has good reviews from previous and existing customers. Be keen to check testimonials of how the company has assisted other clients with a similar business model to yours. This action gives you insights into the knowledge, competence, and level of experience of the organization. You may decide to speak to these clients for an unbiased report about security solutions by the cybersecurity firm.

Data breach costs rose from USD 3.86 million to USD 4.24 million, the highest average total cost in the 17-year.

Type of Cybersecurity Services Rendered.

Cybersecurity firms provide a plethora of services designed to protect their clients from cyber risks. However, the type of services may vary from one company to another depending on the packages, skill sets, licensing and cybersecurity certifications.
Although services may vary, most cybersecurity companies should offer the following solutions:

  • Virtual or onsite cyber defense support
  • Backup and disaster recovery planning.
  • Threat intelligence
  • Risk assessment and management
  • Early detection and response to threats
  • Regular evaluation of the system, network, and devices
  • Firewall to protect users from accessing inappropriate content
  • Cyber security awareness training for employees such as tabletop exercise etc.

The ever-evolving world of technology means that cybersecurity firms should attract and train employees with special skills. Today, penetration testing, digital forensics, phishing attack simulation, and managed detection and response service providers are paramount skill sets.

The most common initial attack vector, compromised credentials, was responsible for 20% of breaches at an average breach cost of USD 4.37 million.

Cost, Value and Cybersecurity ROI.

While you want to keep your data safe, the cost of the cybersecurity firm matters. You do not want to spend a chunk of your company’s money on data security. Please find a list of firms you know you could work with and go through their services and costs.
Before settling and signing a contract with the firm, ensure that you have a budget. Calculate your data assets. Think about the return on investment and the value cybersecurity is offering.

Remember to secure your infrastructure before it is too late

Remember to secure your infrastructure before it is too late

Put your negotiating skills to use when you find a suitable cybersecurity firm and are unsure about meeting the service cost. Present a budget and ask them what price they are willing to charge you.
Consider their mode of payment and if they prefer bitcoin, ensure that there is bitcoin payment protection. You contract a forensic data department to provide an incident response retainer to provide ransomware response in case you cannot meet the cost.

Tools Knowledge and Experience.

When hiring a new firm or one that has been in the industry for a while, tools and knowledgeable staff are essential needs, and they are indicators that the company can offer various services.
It also gives you a rough estimate of the company’s cost. There are essentials that a cybersecurity firm should have:

Having these resources will enable a firm to meet the requirements of the client. The services will be efficient since they do not waste time looking more staff or outsourcing when rendering cyber services. Experienced cyber security professionals enable the company to conduct emergency cybersecurity incident response without delay.

Learn How can help your business qualify for cybersecurity insurance?

Legal Requirements and Certifications.

The certification is an award after completion of study and tests. Certification provides proof that the staff in the firm meets the industry-standard credentials or qualifications that pertain to cybersecurity.
Certification justifies the cost that the individual or the company asks for as compensation for services rendered. It also shows that the firm is willing to follow through and complete the assigned duties. Below good example how cybersecurity vendor proudly show earned certifications:

Ransomware Attacks is quickly becoming the attack you don’t want to experience. 55% of small businesses pay hackers the ransom.

Industry-specific legal requirements enhance improved operations and safety during work since they know the work procedures required by the governing body. Following cyber security policies also keeps you away from rubbing shoulders with the authorities.
It is easier to deal with a firm that practices cloud security compliance. In case of failure in cyber incident response, it is easier to solve the issue with a firm that follows regulations and has the legal and certification requirements if you need compensation.

Customer Service
The customer service department is an essential part of the company as it determines whether a client leaves or stays. When looking for a cybersecurity firm to work with, ensure good customer relations with you and other clients.
A good firm with excellent customer service will have a cyber incident response plan when you call. They should be able to attend to you and provide solutions to your problem. Customer care that prioritizes the needs of its customers is reliable.

According to Accenture’s Cost of Cybercrime Study, 43% of cyberattacks are aimed at small businesses, but only 14% are prepared to defend themselves.

No Conflict of Interest
When choosing a cyber security firm, ensure that they are not preying on your fears. Look for a cyber security provider who will act as a gate between you and the malicious parties. Ensure that your provider actively engages in cyber security threat hunting from third parties.

When It Comes To Cybersecurity Keeping Threat Actors Away Crucial for Business Performance and Reputation

When It Comes To Cybersecurity Keeping Threat Actors Away Crucial for Business Performance and Reputation

If a company is willing to sell your competitors information about your company, they put you at risk of attack. Your company will be prone to unhealthy competition, which may render you out of the market. Ensure that the firm is willing to keep the company’s integrity intact.

According to this report, the average company will spend somewhere between 6% and 14% of their annual IT budget on cybersecurity. On average, most companies spent around 10% of their IT budget.

Choosing a Cybersecurity Firm – Examining a Business That Offers Proactive & Reactive Cyber Security Services.

While you are searching for a cybersecurity firm, you can evaluate a company that offers customizable services, cutting-edge encryption, antivirus software and excellent customer service. If the company detects a security breach, the business can quickly implement a plan that will minimize the damage, protect the data, enhance the security of your database and prevent additional breaches.
Cyber security is not all about big companies but also a necessity for small businesses and individuals. When looking for a cybersecurity vendor for your business, ensure that the cybersecurity firm has the above factors.

Valuable Cyber Defense Resources:

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What is NFT - Create, Buy and Sell Your Own Non Fungible Tokens

What is NFT? Create, Buy and Sell Your Own Non Fungible Tokens

A non-fungible token (NFT) is a unique and non-interchangeable unit of data stored on a digital ledger (blockchain).
Visit for Best Educational Videos from NFT Investment Experts.  Learn how to buy an NFT from an  NFT marketplace, and what you need to do to create, buy and sell your own non-fungible tokens.

NFTs can be used to represent easily-reproducible items such as photos, videos, audio, and other types of digital files as unique items (analogous to a certificate of authenticity), and use blockchain technology to establish a verified and public proof of ownership.

Copies of the original file are not restricted to the owner of the NFT, and can be copied and shared like any file. The lack of interchangeability (fungibility) distinguishes NFTs from blockchain cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin.

The first NFT project was launched in 2015 on the Ethereum blockchain, and interest grew with the rise of interest in crypto currencies. According to, sales exceeded $2 billion in the first quarter of 2021, more than 20 times the volume of the previous quarter. NFTs have drawn criticism with respect to the energy cost and carbon footprint associated with validating blockchain transactions.

An NFT is a unit of data stored on a digital ledger, called a blockchain, which can be sold and traded. The NFT can be associated with a particular digital or physical asset (such as a file or a physical object) and a license to use the asset for a specified purpose. NFTs (and the associated license to use, copy or display the underlying asset) can be traded and sold on digital markets.

NFTs function like cryptographic tokens, but, unlike cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, NFTs are not mutually interchangeable, hence not fungible. While all bitcoins are equal, each NFT may represent a different underlying asset and thus have a different value. NFTs are created when blockchains string records of cryptographic hash, a set of characters identifying a set of data, onto previous records therefore creating a chain of identifiable data blocks. This cryptographic transaction process ensures the authentication of each digital file by providing a digital signature that is used to track NFT ownership. However, data links that point to details like where the art is stored can die.


The unique identity and ownership of an NFT is verifiable via the blockchain ledger. Ownership of the NFT is often associated with a license to use the underlying digital asset, but generally does not confer copyright to the buyer: some agreements only grant a license for personal, non-commercial use, while other licenses also allow commercial use of the underlying digital asset.

Digital art

Digital art was an early use case for NFTs, because of the ability of blockchain technology to assure the unique signature and ownership of NFTs.The digital artwork entitled “Everydays – The First 5000 Days”, by artist Mike Winkelmann, also known as Beeple, sold for US$69.3 million in 2021.  The purchase resulted in the third-highest auction price achieved for a living artist, after Jeff Koons and David Hockney, respectively. Another Beeple piece entitled “Crossroad”, consisting of a 10-second video showing animated pedestrians walking past a figure of Donald J. Trump, sold for US$6.6 million at Nifty Gateway, an online cryptocurrency marketplace for digital art.

A 3D-rendered model of a home named “Mars House”, created by artist Krista Kim, was sold as a piece of digital real estate on the NFT market for over US$500,000.

Erwin Wurm released a NFT as one of the first already internationally renowned artist in August 2021. The work “Breathe In, Breathe Out” was released by Berlin-based König gallery‘s website MISA 20 years after Wurm’s first Fat Car. The sequence shows a loop of a seemingly breathing Porsche 911.


NFTs can represent digital collectibles like physical card collections, however in a completely digital format. In February 2021, a LeBron James slam dunk NFT card on the NBA Top Shot platform sold for $208,000.


Tickets, for any type of event, have been suggested as a use case for NFTs. One such use case is the possibility for artists to receive royalties on resales. Another one would be a more intimate relationship between fans and artists.


NFTs can also be used to represent in-game assets, such as digital plots of land, which are controlled by the user instead of the game developer. NFTs allow assets to be traded on third-party marketplaces without permission from the game developer.

Learn about NFT buying surge (2021–present) from Wikipedia learn more

Several good source of information about NFT. – Best Educational Videos from NFT Creators and Investors.

The Verge
NFTs, explained:

BBC News
What are NFTs and why are some worth millions?

Get acquainted with the FAQs on VeeFriends Official Site:

From Forbes Magazine:
What You Need To Know About Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)


Cybersecurity and managed security services provider’s marketing strategy for healthcare and medical devices industry

Cybersecurity marketing strategy for healthcare industry

The healthcare sector is expected to spend more than $125 billion on cybersecurity from 2020 through 2025.

In this article you will learn:

  • How is the healthcare cyber security market structured?
  • Healthcare cyber security market by threat
  • Healthcare cyber security market by offering
  • Healthcare cyber security market by security type
  • Healthcare cyber security market by end-user
  • Healthcare cybersecurity market by geography
  • To be successful you need to know your competitors.
    Who are the main competitors in healthcare cybersecurity services?

Cybersecurity and managed security services provider’s marketing strategy for healthcare and medical devices industry

The demand for cybersecurity services in the healthcare industry has been rising rapidly. This has been largely fueled by the dramatic increase in healthcare cyberthreats in the last several years brought about by advancements in data analytics, automation, and interoperability. As these cyber-attacks become increasingly sophisticated, the demand for cybersecurity intervention is bound to soar.

The healthcare sector is a major target for these malicious cyber-attacks because when the systems are hit, the patients are hit as well. Cybercriminals, therefore, are busy exploiting this particular loophole in advancing their attacks and reaping big from it.

Healthcare Cybersecurity Market

As healthcare cybersecurity becomes fundamental in securing important medical records and patients’ information, healthcare cybersecurity marketing is increasingly becoming a necessity. As a result, any penetration testing company, MSP, MSSP and Managed Detection and Response (MDR) companies will need a cybersecurity marketing strategy that promotes trust and confidence if it wishes to win the players in the medical industry.

What is the extent of medical industry cybersecurity demand?

The expanding security threat in the healthcare industry in form of healthcare data breaches is proving way too costly for the vast industry. According to a recent IBM report on the cost of data breach, it was well established that the healthcare sector expended the most resources toward data breach costs as compared to other industries. For every data breach incident, the average money spent amounted to $ 7.13 million, which represent a 10% rise from the 2019 study.

That said, the healthcare sector is expected to spend more than $125 billion on cybersecurity from 2020 through 2025. This is a sure sign of growth in medical industry cyber security and calls for cybersecurity service providers to up their marketing game in order to rake in some of these funds.

How is the healthcare cyber security market structured?

Successful healthcare cybersecurity marketing will demand a better understanding of the healthcare cyber security market. Without the right market blueprint, you may not be able to stay on top of the cyber-criminals’ game that targets medical records by data collection companies.

According to the Healthcare Cybersecurity Market by Threat, Offering, Security Type, End-user, and Geography Report of 2020, it is evident that there are five classifications of this growing market. The report further projects the growth of the healthcare cyber security market to hit $ 26.1 billion by 2027 at a CAGR of 19.8%. This exponential growth will be propelled by:

  • Increasing demand for ultra-modern cybersecurity solutions and privacy
  • Emerging disruptive digital technologies
  • Rise in the frequency of cyber threats
  • Growing complexity of cyber threats
  • Urgency for cloud-based security solutions in healthcare
  • Increase in healthcare data breaches

All these growth prospects present perfect opportunities to a medical records data company to grow its portfolio by reinventing more data solutions. To get a clearer picture of all these opportunities, let’s delve into the healthcare market segmentation. This will help you understand and narrow down the niche that you are most capable of handling given the many players in the healthcare cyber security industry.

The report further projects the growth of the healthcare cyber security market to hit $ 26.1 billion by 2027 at a CAGR of 19.8%.

How to Measure and Justify Your Cybersecurity Investment and Return on Investment (ROI)

How to Measure and Justify Your Cybersecurity Investment and Return on Investment (ROI)

1. Healthcare cyber security market by threat

The medical industry has so far reported the highest number of data breaches in 2021. Even though data breaches declined globally by 24% over the first half of 2021, breaches within the United States went up by 1.5% over the same period. Within this first half alone, healthcare data breaches topped the list with 238 incidents, the finance and insurance sector followed closely by 194 incidents, while the information sector closed the list at 180 incidents.

This goes to show just how much the healthcare sector is targeted by cybercriminals. This has been the trend over the past four years, and there are no signs of it reversing any time soon. The main threats propagated by these malicious cybercriminals include:

  • Ransomware attacks
  • Malware and spyware
  • Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS)
  • Advanced Persistent Threat (APT)
  • Phishing and Spear Phishing

2. Healthcare cyber security market by offering

This segment will largely be driven by the solution offerings to cyberattacks. As the demand for enhanced solutions for security operations, number of data security and privacy woes, demand for cutting edge and affordable security solutions, and growing regulatory enforcement and data protection concerns increase, more innovative service offerings will be demanded.

Some of the service offerings to consider include cyber-solutions such as:

  • Identity and Access Management
  • Intrusion Detection System or Intrusion Prevention System
  • Antivirus and Anti-malware
  • Risk and Compliance Management
  • Distributed Denial-of-Service Mitigation
  • Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)
  • Firewall
  • Unified Threat Management

Moreover, cyberservices offerings may take the form of:

  • Managed Security Services (MSP)
  • Deployment and Integration
  • Support and Maintenance

3. Healthcare cyber security market by security type

The expansion of this market segment will largely be fueled by network security and cloud security. This will be caused by the increase in sensitive healthcare data as well as increased use of Internet of Things devices. Furthermore, the rise in the use of cloud storage and cloud-based services will also contribute to the growth.

The key opportunities here include:

  • Network Security
  • Endpoint Security
  • Cloud Security
  • Application Security


4. Healthcare cyber security market by end-user

In this segment, healthcare providers will be the biggest drivers of growth. This is due to the growing complexity of healthcare cyberattacks, increased adoption of Electronic Health Records, and more government interventions in promoting secure patient records.Some of the end-users to target with your cybersecurity services are:

  • Healthcare providers
  • Hospitals
  • Physician Practices
  • Healthcare Players


5. Healthcare cyber security market by geography

The broader geographic segments of the healthcare sector are North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle East, and Africa. The North American market is expected to be the major driver of this segment. Additionally, the Asia-Pacific region is expected to witness rapid growth as a result of rising rates of cyberattacks in hospitals and the adoption of 5G technology in the region.

6. Who are the key players and your competitors in the healthcare cybersecurity industry?

Some of the key players and your competitors in the healthcare cyber security industry include:

  • Cisco,
  • Fortinet,
  • Sophos,
  • Juniper Networks,
  • McAfee,
  • IBM,
  • Palo Alto Networks,
  • Medigate,
  • FireEye Inc.
  • Kaspersky Lab
  • Symantec Corporation
  • and others

To cope with all these giant competitors effectively, you need a powerful marketing strategy that will paint you as a trusted cybersecurity partner.

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